The Cutest Famous Couple! ♥

Emma Stone (min favvoskådis) & Andrew Garfield är verkligen de sötaste paret i hollywood. Jag menar kolla bara på den sista bilden, de verkar so simpla men de verkligen bryr sig. Att se Spiderman med båda var ju grymt kul! De passar sååååå himla bra! Och jag bara älskade artikeln och bilderna på dem  i Teen Vouge Augusti numret i år.

Emma Stone (my favorite actor) & Andrew Garfield is really the cutest couple in hollywood. I mean just look at the last picture, they seem so down to earth an really care. Seeing Spiderman with both in it was really fun! They are soooo amazingly good together! And I just loved the article and the pictures on them in the Teen Vogue  August number this year.

Hugs, Evelyn

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